Is Hong Kong Ready for a catastrophic event?

In many parts of Asia where major disasters such as volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, earthquakes or flooding take place on an all too regular basis, the public (although not always the governments) have a good understanding of what actions they need to take in the event...
Recovery: Modern Terrorism Threats

Recovery: Modern Terrorism Threats

Investigations Of course, once the incident has been dealt with, the authorities still need to pursue with the utmost rigour the investigation of the incident, the group involved and their support network. This is essential in order to bring the criminals involved to...
Preparedness: Modern Terrorism Threats

Preparedness: Modern Terrorism Threats

Strategic Intelligence When it comes to being properly prepared, it’s important that law enforcement authorities are closely monitoring the current and emerging trends so that they can take the necessary precautionary steps well in advance. Analysis of trends and...
Response: Modern Terrorism Threats

Response: Modern Terrorism Threats

Response Strategy The first step in having an effective response strategy is to have in place all the necessary prevention and preparatory measures and resources required to respond quickly, efficiently and professionally. Some of these key elements will be discussed...